soul miners in the mountains
  What Time is it? It is time to do something different. We are loosing ground in the mountains for Christ and the souls of people who live here with us.

Come Home to the place where you belong!

We want to create a network of Christians who want to work together with one another in the fellowship of believers. We could do so much more together. Christ prayed for the unity of believers in John 17. He said that the world would know that we are with Him and the Father.. We can accomplsh this through prayer and cooperation that looks beyond the denominational barriers. Do you name the name of Christ as your Lord and Savior. We do. Let us try to help each other to build up the church in the mountains so that together we can accomplish so much more than we can alone.

Could we bring toghether churches and preachers? Does your church need a preacher? Are you a preacher who needs a church? We could help bring you together. Send us your name and information and we will share it with the churches we network with.

See the contacts and send us your information.